XTC Party Pills!! |

Upon inspection of what is inside the awesome looking green and white capsule. This party pill appears to contain an off-white brownish chunky powdery substance. The easy opening and closing of the capsule would allow someone to be able to give smaller doses.
The awesome packaging comes in black and red Mylar bags, however the black bags offer a larger energy boost and appear to have a different substance inside the capsule (review coming soon!). The cool looking mascot of XTC Party Pills is a mime with a painted face. The bag states that only one capsule comes in the bag. On the back of the packaging is a generic label that is describing substances that absolutely cannot be in this product.
This party pill is sure to keep you going wherever you are. I have not been able to find any product in pill form that would rival XTC Party Pills. So, if you are looking for the strongest legal high to keep you going try XTC party pills! They won't let you down for sure.
These party pills can be purchased here at Legal Highs Reviews for the awesome low price of $35! Get them quick because they definitely wont last long. You can also go to your local smoke shop and ask for this party pill because it is sure to knock your socks off!
I give these party pills a 9.5/10 for their strength, quick onset, and packaging. It is also nice that they are so abundant.
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